Integrate all your social networks with Ping.FM

Want to tell the world you just won tickets to T20 Worldcup? If you are an avid netizen,you may have joined more than 2Integrate all your social networks with Ping.FM or three social networking sites to get in touch with your friends,with the world.And I bet it will take quite long to post all your updates and the “ticket” news on comes aims to rescue. This neat service makes updates a unified affair: Just send your missive to the service and it'll post it to all your networks. has a large network base and currently supports over 40 of the most popular ones, ranging from mainstream networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to lesser-known outlets like Bebo, Brightkite, and Rejaw. Ping FM supprts quite a lot of networks (more than what is shown in this pic :P)

For using this service,you must sign up at Ping FM which is in its beta stage. After signing up for an account , you'll be able to post your updates via e-mail, SMS, instant message, your phone's browser, Skype, and even an iGoogle gadget.

On the Dashboard page (a bit overwhelming but you will get used to it) just click the posting method you want to use to get the instructions you need, like your unique e-mail address or the iPhone-friendly browser URL. can automatically take care of things like URL shortening (handy for the likes of Twitter and Rejaw), and it lets you set up posting groups in case you want to hit some, but not all, your networks.

In short, it's a handy little service, one that can definitely save you some time.

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