Hi guys,I have already posted a way to change the xp start button before and you can read it here .However after I received a lot of emails regarding to crypticness of registry editor and the need of replacing the Shell value to new value,I decided to write a more easier guide to change the XP start button.For this ,you will need a tool called Resource Hacker. This free program allows you to change resources in any .exe file such as "Explorer.exe", which includes the Start button's Label.
After you download it, follow the guide here:
Change the Start text
- Locate explorer.exe in your c:\Windows directory. Make a copy of the file in the same directory and rename it explorer.bak. Run "Resource Hacker" and open the file "%windir%\Explorer.exe".
- You see a Tree of all Resources in this file.Expand the String Table folder and then find folder No. 37 (folder No. 38 if you're in Windows Classic mode).
- Click on resource 1033 and locate the text that says " Start " and replace it with your own text. You don't have a character limit, but the text takes up valuable taskbar space, so don't make it too long. then press the [Compile Script] button.
Change your hover text
- Open folder No. 34 and click on resource 1033.
- Find the text that says "Click here to begin" and change it to something of your choice.
- Click on the Compile Script button to update this resource.
Customize your Start icon
- Collapse the String Table folder and expand the Bitmap folder at the top of your folder list.
- Click on folder No. 143 and click on resource 1033 and You will see that Windows icon.
- Go to the Action Menu and select "Replace bitmap." Select "Open file with new bitmap" and replace it with a bitmap image of size 25 pixels by 20 pixels.
Save the changes
- After you have made all the changes,Save "Explorer.exe" as "NewStart.exe" . DONT save it as Explorer.exe,because that file is already being used by your system.
Go to File – > save as.. and give it a new name.
- Quit Resource Hacker
Replace the Explorer
- Boot into Safe Mode With Command Prompt by pressing F8 on startup. Then choose Safe Mode in the command prompt.
- Log on as administrator and enter your password if you have any.
- When the command prompt comes up, make sure you're in the right directory by typing "cd c:\windows" (without the quotes).
- Now type
"copy c:\windows\NewStart.exe c:\windows\explorer.exe" (no quotes).
- Type "yes" (no quotes) to overwrite the existing file, then restart your system by typing "shutdown -r" (no quotes).
When your system restarts,you will be able to see your start button with the changes you made to it.
I hope that was easy James…
Cheers and Keep learning.
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