Tired of Slow torrent speeds ? here is the ultimate torrent guide for Newbie’s and Experts alike.
Hope you like and enjoy this guide, Heres the contents :-
Choosing your client
I have been through alot of different clients. The best I've found is Bitlord v1.1 thats were i hit all my 100KB/s+ torrents,
You can find this at http://www.bitlord.com/.
The second best one in my opinion is Azureus, this is very user friendly, especially with all the plugins. Located at http://azureus.sourceforge.net/
Another useful client is Bittornado, Latest version is 0.3.12 and its homepage is http://bittornado.com/
I've also tried G3 Torrent, and I have to say i liked its interface.Can be found at http://g3torrent.sourceforge.net/ i believe the newest version is 1.01
ABC (Yet Another Bittorrent Client), ABC is an improved client for the Bittorrent peer-to-peer file transfering, It can be downloaded from http://pingpong-abc.sourceforge.net/ 2.6.1 is the newest available version i think.
Bitcomet is used by alot of people here at AD, It's homepage is http://www.bitcomet.com/
DVDBack23 has produced a guide for this client http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/234097
The penultimate one I will mention is Artic torrent, as this is what i would reccommend if your computer is quite low end, because it doesn't use alot of your CPU up. this one is at http://www.int64.org/arctic.html
Exeem is a brand new Peer To Peer program, SPYWARE and ADWARE free which is good news,
Can be downlaoded at http://www.exeem.com/ lastest release 0.27

http://www.bitsoup.org - you have to register but it's still free
http://www.torrenttyphoon.com - Very nice torrent Search Engine
http://www.torrentz.com - Great Search Engine
and some more can be found here
The best Public sites i have found to date are with descriptions
http://www.isohunt.com/ - Excellent torrent Search.
http://www.torrentspy.com/ - Excellent search engine for torrents, incredible variety
http://www.torrentreactor.to/ - Well Organized, maintained Large Selection
http://mininova.org/ Large Selection of torrents, updated daily.
http://www.litebay.org/ - Good site
http://www.livetorrents.com/ - Good allrounder offering games, movies...
http://www.hypertorrent.com/ - Decent Search enginge for Torrents
http://www.torrentportal.com/ - Another good site
All rounder sites
More sites that aren't bad
Novatina.com Tv, movies, games, music, apps, anime, dvdr, more
Link: http://www.novatina.com/
Booga.org(meganova) Tv ..............
Link: http://www.meganova.org/
Torrent Valley Tv ..............
Link: http://www.torrentvalley.com/
Potuk(Pirates of the UK)
Link: http://www.potuk.com/forum/
Torrent Addiction
Link: http://www.torrent-addiction.com/
Link: http://piratic.org/
AND the new litebay.org
Link: http://www.litebay.org/
Anime Sites
I know of a few decent anime sites, i don't really like anime but someone might benefit from these sites
Animelab.com - Alot of anime
Link: http://www.animelab.com/anime.manga/bittorrent/
AnimeIndex - More anime
Link: http://www.animeindex.net/
Animesuki.com - It's fairly good from what i can see
Link: http://www.animesuki.com/
BoxTorrents - Packed with Anime
Link: http://www.boxtorrents.com/browse.php
Give it a try aswell as some of the other sites :P
http://www.portforward.com - Print off all the instructions that gives you.
For e.g I have a Netgear router so i type into my broswer(Mozilla FireFox). Then type in 'admin' and 'password' in the two available spaces. I followed the intrustion on default portforwarding for the Netgear DG834, and followed them instructions using my listening port 65535.
Also on Port Forwarding if anyones struggling if you need to access your router config.. (Asus, Draytek, Linksys, Zyxel, Cisco,WooWeb-Pro) (Belkin,SMC (some browsers need :88 added)) (DLink, NetGear,Nexland)
And then visit Portforward. this is a great site for instructions with pictures: http://portforward.com/routers.htm Also, most manufacturers post their manuals online.
You need to forward your ports if you have NAT in order to get optimal speeds. This is one of the most common issues, people fail to configure when they use BitTorrent.
BitTorrent default ports are ports in the range of 6881-6999.
When opening ports here are some commmon ports that may want to open, if you want to get optimal speeds
Client Port
Azureus: 6881
BitComet: 12242
BitTornado: 10000-10004, 10000-10004
BitTorrent: 6881-6889
ABC: 6881-6999
Shareaza: 6346, 6346
I'll also add some general P2P Ports,Bear in mind these have nothing to do with Bittorrent just Filesharing
Limewire: 6346 6346
Gnutella: 6346 6346
eMule: 4662-4711, 4672
eDonkey: 4662, 5737
BearShare: 6346
Only open the ports you need to open!
Also your ISP may not allow opening some of these ports so you have to choose a random one instead bear in mind this cannot be done with all file sharing apps
Ports for Bitlord -
I use 65535, To use that port go to Options > Prefrences > Then type in 65535 in the listening port. Then set your global max upload rate to 20KB/s rather than No Limit. You have to configure your router to open the ports go onto your routers site (192.168....) I have a list off all of them above. Then go to http://www.portforward.com, And choose the default guide for your router
When opening ports and you need to know if they were open,
So run a few tests ..............
1) go to Shields Up!!
2)Then click proceed
4)Hopefully you will see this

Next you could run a NAT check http://btfaq.com/natcheck.pl
Type in your port number 65535 in my case
And hash of the torrent you need that, you can get it from the torrent site you get it from e.g go back to place you got the link from.
Hopefully you will get pass! If everthing is as i have told you have forwarded your ports correctly
when downloading Torrents you need to be careful, so I'll post a list of good Spyware/Adware Removers out there the majority of files are geuine but some are Viruses, Trogans, Keylogging Tools.....etc
I'll begin with one of the best, Ad-Aware SE Personal, it's a very nice tool
Description at http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/
Download at http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-SE-Personal-Edition/3000-8022_4-...
Next is my favourite Spybot S&D, IMO it's the best and it's free!
Description at http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html
Download at http://www.safer-networking.org/en/download/index.html
Microsoft Windows Antispyware (Beta version) this will help protect your comp from spyware
Description at http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx
Download at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=321CD7A2...
(You must have a genuine copy of Windows to get this)
Another good one is SpywareBlaster v3.4, It's freeware!!
Description at http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html
Download at http://www.download.com/SpywareBlaster/3000-8022-10196637.html?pa...
Webroot offers a good range, In particular SpySweeper although it costs theres a free trial
Description/Download http://www.webroot.com/consumer/downloads/?WRSID=0bedb3f5d72f3862...
Anotherone I found is Spyware Doctor™ 3.2, seems to be ok(an award winning spyware remover)
Description at http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/
Download at http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/download/
eTrust PestPatrol is another great tool, it's one of the best I've found
Description/Download free trial at http://store.ca.com/v2.0-img/operations/ca/site/pestpatrol/pp4.htm
*****Trend Micro Free online virus scan*****
Also on the trend micro note try their free trial
Download at http://uk.trendmicro-europe.com/enterprise/downloads/choose-reaso...
Last one now BPS AntiSpyware remover, heard good things about it
Description at http://antispyware.bulletproofsoft.com/
Download at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Popup-Ad-Spyware-Blockers/B...
Antispyware software is very important as some people upload fake torrents which are essentially viruses, It will also stop hackers
Also get some form of antivirus software -
The best IMO Norton Antivirus or Internet security 2005 - Description at http://www.symantecstore.com/
Also a reason for bad speeds is because your not connecting to your tracker properly heres a diagram i made, Please note: this is only for bitlord v1.1 it may be different on your client.

Some of common errors people get from the Trackers
error 10061 problem connecting to tracker - This means that you cannot for whatever reason establish a connection to the tracker needed to download a file. This is commonly caused by routers, trackers being too busy, or your net connection going down.
My download just sits at the “connecting to peers" status
This means there are no peers to connect to, or your firewall/router is preventing a connection.
error 10060 Connection timed out - this means that you sent a request to a peer or tracker, and there was no response. Again this error generally sorts itself out given time, and can be caused by a busy tracker. If it doesn't carry on after a bit double check the torrent is seeded and the tracker is working
Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (111, 'Connection refused')> - Just let the torrent run in your client and the client will keep checking the tracker and should resume eventually.
I got stuck at 99% with several seeders - Try stopping the torrent and restarting from tracker :) that should work
Mainly i download files that are .rar so i open and extract them using WinRAR, that supports RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ files.
If you download a .ISO .cue .pdi .ccd or .mds file use Alcohol 120%( http://www.alcohol-soft.com/ ) or Daemon Tools to mount it or burn them using Nero. (If it is a DVD ISO you could use DVD Decrypter)
Familyguy.rar - You open with WinRAR, Use this to extract then you might get any video format, .avi or .vobs or something like them
Familyguy.iso - You can check the quality by using VLC Media Player by VideoLAN Team, Then if your happy with the quality burn with Decyrpter it ISO Write mode
Another handy thing i would like to add is Mozilla FireFox plugins, I have the Torrentspy, BiteNova and the Torrenttyphoon Plugin. Excellent 'lazy' feature that saves alot of typing although i don't use public trackers as much i ust to their still very handy when my U/D ratio is getting abit out of control or if it's a torrent i don't mind waiting for.
If you dont have firefox get it here http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ It's the perfect browser for torrents especially with all the plugins and Bookmarked torrent sites.
All those intending to get Firefox look at Geestars pipelining thread OMG that increases the speed of loading pages considerably, which is handy when browsing while downloading Torrents

**I would reccomend changing your max upload to 20 when downloading!!**
at the start i couldn't get out of the 20s I have now improved things by 100KB/s.
Try to download your torrents one at a time. DO NOT RUSH
always download torrents when their at their healthiest
Don't expect miracles when the torrent has few seeders.
Once youve opened your ports,
Speed is ultimately down to the number of seeders and peers
Then its down to your internet connection (dial up,1mb,2mb....)
Don't be discouraged when your in high 20s low 30s and have 10 seeders or less thats normal! its very rare that I get above 50KB/s with less than 10 seeders.
Once youve opened your ports, Speed is ultimately down to the number of seeders and peers
Then its down to your internet connection (dial up,1mb,2mb....)
Don't be discouraged when your in high 20s low 30s and have 10 seeders or less thats normal! its very rare that I get above 50KB/s with less than 10 seeders.
what does it do
SP2 limits the number of simultaneous incomplete outbound TCP connection attempts. The Lvlord patch fixes that and then you can make as many as you want it usually works best for P2P apps like Limewire and IM-L Peanuts, but I've found it works on Torrent clients aswell
If you need to locate your I.P Address for whatever reason heres how
I did some research into the speeds 1mb Broadband should give....
Limewire Pro 4.9.23
IM-L 5
So on almost every client i was downloading at about 110KB/s-115KB/s,
Until recently i couldn't top 115KB/s until a couple of days ago when I maxed out at 132KB/s on a single Download, It can be done
A Guide By J-Kwon . posted by XERO
Hope you like and enjoy this guide, Heres the contents :-
Choosing your client
- The best sites I have come across
- Opening your ports
- Checking to see if the ports are open
- Spyware + Adware Section
- Antivirus section
- Connecting to your tracker
- Common Tracker Errors
- Opening the downloaded torrent
- Firefox Plugins
- Messages to Torrent Newbies
- lvlord patch
- Locating your I.P Address
- My success!!!
I have been through alot of different clients. The best I've found is Bitlord v1.1 thats were i hit all my 100KB/s+ torrents,
You can find this at http://www.bitlord.com/.
The second best one in my opinion is Azureus, this is very user friendly, especially with all the plugins. Located at http://azureus.sourceforge.net/
Another useful client is Bittornado, Latest version is 0.3.12 and its homepage is http://bittornado.com/
I've also tried G3 Torrent, and I have to say i liked its interface.Can be found at http://g3torrent.sourceforge.net/ i believe the newest version is 1.01
ABC (Yet Another Bittorrent Client), ABC is an improved client for the Bittorrent peer-to-peer file transfering, It can be downloaded from http://pingpong-abc.sourceforge.net/ 2.6.1 is the newest available version i think.
Bitcomet is used by alot of people here at AD, It's homepage is http://www.bitcomet.com/
DVDBack23 has produced a guide for this client http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/234097
The penultimate one I will mention is Artic torrent, as this is what i would reccommend if your computer is quite low end, because it doesn't use alot of your CPU up. this one is at http://www.int64.org/arctic.html
Exeem is a brand new Peer To Peer program, SPYWARE and ADWARE free which is good news,
Can be downlaoded at http://www.exeem.com/ lastest release 0.27
http://www.bitsoup.org - you have to register but it's still free
http://www.torrenttyphoon.com - Very nice torrent Search Engine
http://www.torrentz.com - Great Search Engine
and some more can be found here
The best Public sites i have found to date are with descriptions
http://www.isohunt.com/ - Excellent torrent Search.
http://www.torrentspy.com/ - Excellent search engine for torrents, incredible variety
http://www.torrentreactor.to/ - Well Organized, maintained Large Selection
http://mininova.org/ Large Selection of torrents, updated daily.
http://www.litebay.org/ - Good site
http://www.livetorrents.com/ - Good allrounder offering games, movies...
http://www.hypertorrent.com/ - Decent Search enginge for Torrents
http://www.torrentportal.com/ - Another good site
All rounder sites
More sites that aren't bad
Novatina.com Tv, movies, games, music, apps, anime, dvdr, more
Link: http://www.novatina.com/
Booga.org(meganova) Tv ..............
Link: http://www.meganova.org/
Torrent Valley Tv ..............
Link: http://www.torrentvalley.com/
Potuk(Pirates of the UK)
Link: http://www.potuk.com/forum/
Torrent Addiction
Link: http://www.torrent-addiction.com/
Link: http://piratic.org/
AND the new litebay.org
Link: http://www.litebay.org/
Anime Sites
I know of a few decent anime sites, i don't really like anime but someone might benefit from these sites
Animelab.com - Alot of anime
Link: http://www.animelab.com/anime.manga/bittorrent/
AnimeIndex - More anime
Link: http://www.animeindex.net/
Animesuki.com - It's fairly good from what i can see
Link: http://www.animesuki.com/
BoxTorrents - Packed with Anime
Link: http://www.boxtorrents.com/browse.php
Give it a try aswell as some of the other sites :P
http://www.portforward.com - Print off all the instructions that gives you.
For e.g I have a Netgear router so i type into my broswer(Mozilla FireFox). Then type in 'admin' and 'password' in the two available spaces. I followed the intrustion on default portforwarding for the Netgear DG834, and followed them instructions using my listening port 65535.
Also on Port Forwarding if anyones struggling if you need to access your router config.. (Asus, Draytek, Linksys, Zyxel, Cisco,WooWeb-Pro) (Belkin,SMC (some browsers need :88 added)) (DLink, NetGear,Nexland)
And then visit Portforward. this is a great site for instructions with pictures: http://portforward.com/routers.htm Also, most manufacturers post their manuals online.
You need to forward your ports if you have NAT in order to get optimal speeds. This is one of the most common issues, people fail to configure when they use BitTorrent.
BitTorrent default ports are ports in the range of 6881-6999.
When opening ports here are some commmon ports that may want to open, if you want to get optimal speeds
Client Port
Azureus: 6881
BitComet: 12242
BitTornado: 10000-10004, 10000-10004
BitTorrent: 6881-6889
ABC: 6881-6999
Shareaza: 6346, 6346
I'll also add some general P2P Ports,Bear in mind these have nothing to do with Bittorrent just Filesharing
Limewire: 6346 6346
Gnutella: 6346 6346
eMule: 4662-4711, 4672
eDonkey: 4662, 5737
BearShare: 6346
Only open the ports you need to open!
Also your ISP may not allow opening some of these ports so you have to choose a random one instead bear in mind this cannot be done with all file sharing apps
Ports for Bitlord -
I use 65535, To use that port go to Options > Prefrences > Then type in 65535 in the listening port. Then set your global max upload rate to 20KB/s rather than No Limit. You have to configure your router to open the ports go onto your routers site (192.168....) I have a list off all of them above. Then go to http://www.portforward.com, And choose the default guide for your router
When opening ports and you need to know if they were open,
So run a few tests ..............
1) go to Shields Up!!
2)Then click proceed
4)Hopefully you will see this
Next you could run a NAT check http://btfaq.com/natcheck.pl
Type in your port number 65535 in my case
And hash of the torrent you need that, you can get it from the torrent site you get it from e.g go back to place you got the link from.
Hopefully you will get pass! If everthing is as i have told you have forwarded your ports correctly
when downloading Torrents you need to be careful, so I'll post a list of good Spyware/Adware Removers out there the majority of files are geuine but some are Viruses, Trogans, Keylogging Tools.....etc
I'll begin with one of the best, Ad-Aware SE Personal, it's a very nice tool
Description at http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/
Download at http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-SE-Personal-Edition/3000-8022_4-...
Next is my favourite Spybot S&D, IMO it's the best and it's free!
Description at http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html
Download at http://www.safer-networking.org/en/download/index.html
Microsoft Windows Antispyware (Beta version) this will help protect your comp from spyware
Description at http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx
Download at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=321CD7A2...
(You must have a genuine copy of Windows to get this)
Another good one is SpywareBlaster v3.4, It's freeware!!
Description at http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html
Download at http://www.download.com/SpywareBlaster/3000-8022-10196637.html?pa...
Webroot offers a good range, In particular SpySweeper although it costs theres a free trial
Description/Download http://www.webroot.com/consumer/downloads/?WRSID=0bedb3f5d72f3862...
Anotherone I found is Spyware Doctor™ 3.2, seems to be ok(an award winning spyware remover)
Description at http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/
Download at http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/download/
eTrust PestPatrol is another great tool, it's one of the best I've found
Description/Download free trial at http://store.ca.com/v2.0-img/operations/ca/site/pestpatrol/pp4.htm
*****Trend Micro Free online virus scan*****
Also on the trend micro note try their free trial
Download at http://uk.trendmicro-europe.com/enterprise/downloads/choose-reaso...
Last one now BPS AntiSpyware remover, heard good things about it
Description at http://antispyware.bulletproofsoft.com/
Download at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Popup-Ad-Spyware-Blockers/B...
Antispyware software is very important as some people upload fake torrents which are essentially viruses, It will also stop hackers
Also get some form of antivirus software -
The best IMO Norton Antivirus or Internet security 2005 - Description at http://www.symantecstore.com/
- AVG Trial Versions (prof single vers) - Download at http://www.grisoft.com/doc/38/lng/us/tpl/tpl01
- Panda antivirus - Description at http://www.pandasoftware.com/
- Download at http://enterprises.pandasoftware.com/download/
- McAfee im not a huge fan of theirs but their products do the job - No download from here you have to purchase it from another internet shop or somewhere like PC world
Description at http://us.mcafee.com/root/package.asp?pkgid=144&cid=12155
Also a reason for bad speeds is because your not connecting to your tracker properly heres a diagram i made, Please note: this is only for bitlord v1.1 it may be different on your client.
Some of common errors people get from the Trackers
error 10061 problem connecting to tracker - This means that you cannot for whatever reason establish a connection to the tracker needed to download a file. This is commonly caused by routers, trackers being too busy, or your net connection going down.
My download just sits at the “connecting to peers" status
This means there are no peers to connect to, or your firewall/router is preventing a connection.
error 10060 Connection timed out - this means that you sent a request to a peer or tracker, and there was no response. Again this error generally sorts itself out given time, and can be caused by a busy tracker. If it doesn't carry on after a bit double check the torrent is seeded and the tracker is working
Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (111, 'Connection refused')> - Just let the torrent run in your client and the client will keep checking the tracker and should resume eventually.
I got stuck at 99% with several seeders - Try stopping the torrent and restarting from tracker :) that should work
Mainly i download files that are .rar so i open and extract them using WinRAR, that supports RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ files.
If you download a .ISO .cue .pdi .ccd or .mds file use Alcohol 120%( http://www.alcohol-soft.com/ ) or Daemon Tools to mount it or burn them using Nero. (If it is a DVD ISO you could use DVD Decrypter)
Familyguy.rar - You open with WinRAR, Use this to extract then you might get any video format, .avi or .vobs or something like them
Familyguy.iso - You can check the quality by using VLC Media Player by VideoLAN Team, Then if your happy with the quality burn with Decyrpter it ISO Write mode
Another handy thing i would like to add is Mozilla FireFox plugins, I have the Torrentspy, BiteNova and the Torrenttyphoon Plugin. Excellent 'lazy' feature that saves alot of typing although i don't use public trackers as much i ust to their still very handy when my U/D ratio is getting abit out of control or if it's a torrent i don't mind waiting for.
If you dont have firefox get it here http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ It's the perfect browser for torrents especially with all the plugins and Bookmarked torrent sites.
All those intending to get Firefox look at Geestars pipelining thread OMG that increases the speed of loading pages considerably, which is handy when browsing while downloading Torrents
**I would reccomend changing your max upload to 20 when downloading!!**
at the start i couldn't get out of the 20s I have now improved things by 100KB/s.
Try to download your torrents one at a time. DO NOT RUSH
always download torrents when their at their healthiest
Don't expect miracles when the torrent has few seeders.
Once youve opened your ports,
Speed is ultimately down to the number of seeders and peers
Then its down to your internet connection (dial up,1mb,2mb....)
Don't be discouraged when your in high 20s low 30s and have 10 seeders or less thats normal! its very rare that I get above 50KB/s with less than 10 seeders.
Once youve opened your ports, Speed is ultimately down to the number of seeders and peers
Then its down to your internet connection (dial up,1mb,2mb....)
Don't be discouraged when your in high 20s low 30s and have 10 seeders or less thats normal! its very rare that I get above 50KB/s with less than 10 seeders.
what does it do
SP2 limits the number of simultaneous incomplete outbound TCP connection attempts. The Lvlord patch fixes that and then you can make as many as you want it usually works best for P2P apps like Limewire and IM-L Peanuts, but I've found it works on Torrent clients aswell
If you need to locate your I.P Address for whatever reason heres how
I did some research into the speeds 1mb Broadband should give....
Limewire Pro 4.9.23
IM-L 5
So on almost every client i was downloading at about 110KB/s-115KB/s,
Until recently i couldn't top 115KB/s until a couple of days ago when I maxed out at 132KB/s on a single Download, It can be done
A Guide By J-Kwon . posted by XERO
Need to say something ? Spell it out :)