Download Kinect Virtual Dressing Room - Weekend project

It was getting hot at Doha, Qatar and I was thoroughly bored. And tired.

Out of blue a creative request came by one of my seniors that if I have ever worked on Unity 3D. Though I have some experience with game engines and modeling tools, i though it would be worth a try. As an absolute beginner, I tried my hands on Unity 3D and was able to compile Virtual Dressing Room for Kinect (code courtesy Anthony heckmann - Github). I updated some code and calls (for instance  gettrianglestrip and settrianglesstrip to gettriangles and settriangles) for compatibility with latest release of Unity. As of now, have not tested it with a real Kinect although the executable works fine. Thanks to this project, I also got my hands on

You can download the executable from here . As usual, expect no support if you experience bugs as :

  1. Its my weekend project
  2. I have not tested it with a real Kinect.
  3. I have too much on my plate right now.
Password is Prohack


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