Recover Corrupt System Files

Got your Windows whacked by a virus ? Especially antivirus like Norton and Avira are especially brutal towards the viruses and even nuke out the system files of windows.Bang comes the error dialog regarding a missing windows file or a dll.And as a last resort,common users tend to format their windows installation . However,If an essential Windows file gets deleted by a virus or otherwise corrupted,you can restore it from the Windows CD.

Here is how to do it - Recover Corrupt System Files - More windows tips at PROHACK

  • Search the Windows CD for the filename, replacing the last character with an underscore

for example: Notepad.ex_

  • If it's found, open a command prompt and enter the command EXPAND, followed by the full pathname of the file and of the desired destination


If either pathname contains any spaces, surround it with double quotes.

  • If the file isn't found, search on the unmodified filename. It will probably be inside a CAB file, which Win XP treats as a folder.
  • Simply right-drag and copy the file to the desired location. In other Windows platforms, search for a file matching *.cab that contains the filename.
  • When the search is done, open a command prompt and enter EXTRACT /L followed by the desired location, the full pathname of the CAB file, and the desired filename

for example: EXTRACT /L C:\Windows D:\I386\ Notepad.exe

Again, if the destination or CAB file pathname contains spaces, surround it with double quotes.

  • Replace the file or exe with the one found in Windows CD. And restart to see the changes. are done…


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